


Invest is the act of putting money into something with the hope of making a profit. Investments can be made in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities.

There are many different factors to consider when making an investment, such as the type of asset, the amount of money you are investing, and your risk tolerance. It is important to do your research and understand the risks involved before you make any investment decisions.

Here in Neuronaltrader are some tips that can help you to make a decision about trading.

“If you are ready to grow and invest in your future, you will know what you are capable of” So what are you waiting for? Come and enjoy a good lecture in order to grow professionally in the area of trading.


Come and know the new features of Binarytools 2.4 the best platform to automate your trading strategies, the version that let you to take the control. Classic Toolbar The classic toolbar option come back again to Binary tools! You will have two versions, the classic toolbar and the new toolbar, just have to select what...
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Come and know the new features of Binarytools 2.4 the best platform to automate your trading strategies, the version that let you to take the control. The new charts Some of the new features that we integrate on the new version of Binarytools are some new charts that will help you on your analysis and...
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The new version is officially out Binarytools came with everything, more features, more options, more customization, in this new version we want to give you the control! This Version 2.4 of our flagship platform has some new features that will surprise you. More customization options For us is very important our community, we listen you,...
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NeuronalTrader and Deriv meet again NeuronalTrader was at the Latam 2023 conference together with other affiliated traders from different parts of Latin America. This meeting was held in the city of Asuncion, Paraguay in May of this year. Our CEO and founder Jesus Rueda had the opportunity to take the stage and share his personal...
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First meeting NeuronalTrader-Deriv The Deriv team invited us to share some quality time to strengthen ties between communities. This was the first formal meeting and it took place in August, 2022 in the city of Bogota. In this meeting was present part of the Deriv team together with the NeuronalTrader executive. As well as our...
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What’s new at binarytools We’re excited to show you what’s new in the recent update of Binarytools from Neuronaltrader. In this article you will find the details of this new version. On this update the main objective was to optimize the workspace to provide a clean and comfortable space for the development of bots. Neuronaltrader...
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11operaciones de trading
Who is Dr. Elder and how can a doctor help you in your trading operations. Even if you have a lot of knowledge and experience, for the trader “the moment of truth” is when you are in front of the screen about to execute your trading operations of the day, and here is elder to...
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11Ego Trading: Want to be right
Ego Trading is a problem for your trading process. When do you want to lose money? Never! When do you want to be right? Always! Where can you have both all the time? In Fantasyland… Seriously, besides moms…Who cares about being right? We know several of us care about being right. We make a better...
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11Invest is not gimbling
Could it be said that investing is with the brain and Gambling with the guts? It’s usually understood that who bets is more exposed to risk. This is the reason why we say that investing is not gambling, even so, there are bettors who work with statistics and probabilities. There are people who say those...
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