The new version is officially out
Binarytools came with everything, more features, more options, more customization, in this new version we want to give you the control! This Version 2.4 of our flagship platform has some new features that will surprise you.
More customization options
For us is very important our community, we listen you, this Version is results of your ideas, opinions and needed. We integrate some new functions and options to give you more control and freedom inside it, this new features are:
Edit layout

With this you can modify the size of the Layout Regions. on this section you can find 5 option of different layouts, you can select the best for you requirements
Edit Regions

On this you can add, delete and move the charts and the panels of each region of layout.
Rest Regions

This options let you reset the default Layout and panels and charts default, this can use it to start to build a new preset or configurations that you want to use.
Load preset

On this section you can find several example options of preset for ticks and Digits. You just have to select one and this will apply to your layout. At the same time in this section we have the upload option, which you can upload a xml file.
Download preset

Want to share or save your preset? With this option you can Download your preset in a a xml file. Just go to this section, type a name for the file and ready, you will have the file of your presets!
Your opinion is important
As a brand, our mission is to innovate and provide quality products to our community. All the Neuronaltrader team keep working hard to continue adding value to your assets!
If you are part of our community and use Binarytools to automatized your strategy, let us know what do you think about this version. Come into the community and know what others user are talking about Binarytools 2.4
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