

October 2, 2023
Get to know the new Charts ​ ​ 1. Click on Add chart to region 1… In this new version 4 new charts have been added-Ticks-Counter ticks-Last digits stats-Over / Under 2. Click on LAST DIGITS STATS… The Charts have the option to configure the periods and size in height. 3. Click on highlight To...
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Select, upload and download your Presets ​ ​ 1. Click en Operations The Preset functionality gives users the ability to select, upload and download the different dashboard customization templates. To access these settings go to the trading panel. 2. Click on load preset The Load preset option is located in the operation toolbar. 3. load...
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Customize the size of your regions. ​ ​ 1. Click on Operations The edit layout option allows users to adapt the size of the regions in which they will be visible. To adapt these layouts, go to the operations panel. 2. Click on new The Edit Layout option is located on the operation toolbar. 3....
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Edit and combine the operation panel ​ ​ 1. Click en Operations The edit regions tool gives users the ability to add, remove and move the different charts and panels that make up BinaryTools. To access these settings go to the trading panel. 2. Clic en Edit regions… The Edit regions option is located on...
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