A few years ago, it’s more complicated to know, believe or have available as much information as there is today.
The way that we get the information today influences trading performance. It’s not a secret to anyone how much the Pandemic changed the world, our daily lives, the way we work, study, save and invest. There are more and more traditional job alternatives available or other earn income sources and one of these opportunities is trading.

This same push made the market oversupplied with possible solutions. All this just trying to respond to all curiosity and interest in investing, learning “from this new world”. Many people talk about this, with and without foundation; Infoxication, a term to say intoxication by information, making it more difficult to detect good references, mentors, theories and quality information.
And what does this have to do with my trading performance?
Well, Everything..!
The idea that you will earn easy and fast money just by downloading an application, seeing videos, and playing a game was popularized. The famous idea “fast results with little effort”, recipes that promise millions. Advertising, offers, conversations the idea again and again to your mind.
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Have to submit a plan that you must follow, observe, learn and wait for their natural development and process time; Has become a challenge for those who only have the expectation to grow fast and easily. That idea demanding instant results, This idea can be a problem for you:
- You don’t follow your trading plan (or even you don’t have one).
- You don’t have a good risk management (or even don’t know what I meant)
- You don’t have an emotion management (Maybe you have a Ego trading and always want to be right)
- Because you need more experience (and you are not able to accept that the process included failures and losses included)
Finally can say that a very high expectation of quick and easy money is not the right way.
Get aware of this wrong idea can be a before and after on your trading performance. Show you that you can get better results.
The power of changing this thought, analyzing how you live it, internalizing a more real way adjusted to your possibilities, I promise you it will make a difference.
There are a lot of things that can make you get a better trading performance. In any case what really matters is how involved you are in your process as a trader.
Important: The information and/or knowledge expressed in this article shouldn’t be taken as investment recommendations or financial advice. All investments and/or actions involve a risk and each person is responsible for researching, educating and analyzing before making an investment decision.